Friday 22 February 2008

A pro/con essay writing of a ban on violence in movies

Everyday we are confronted with violence. There are many discussions whether violent films should be censored or forbidden, but what is pro a ban on violence in movies?
There are three arguments which argue to a ban on violent movies.

First, I think, so much violence in movies is not realistic anymore. If we look at the most violent films, we notice, that the violence is distended and dramatise. For example House of Wax. Such a film is very unrealistic. Second, non violent movies are successful, too. In films like “Der Schuh des Manitu" or "Ratatouille" there is no violence, but very successful. There are many other things that make a movie famous. The last one is that one of the “Theories of violence” says that we can learn violence. We see the violence in movies and imitate it like my brother.

There are also powerful arguments which are against a ban on violence in movies.
Most films are so unrealistic that a normal person doesn’t copy it. In addition, the majority of people don’t get violent, because of the movies. Finally I think that we don’t turn into a non violent society just because we don’t show violence. Violence is a very big part of movies or of our whole world and it won’t be better just because of a ban on violent movies.

In my opinion violence in films should not be forbidden, because sometime I myself like to watch violent films and violence will always exist with or without violent movies. I also think our life would be boring without violence in world.

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