Monday 16 February 2009

City life or Country life

In my essay I want to explain the advantages and the disadvantages of city life and country life, because it’s a widely discussed topic. In the end I’m going to add my own attitude.

First I’d like to start with the positive aspects of city life.
In a city you have many possibilities to pass your free time. City life is very exciting, multicultural and never boring.
Secondly you are more flexible due the fact that there is better public transport. For example there are more buses, trains, trams and subways.
Finally in a city you have more chances to fix of an interesting and well-paid job than in the country, because usually in a city there are more and bigger companies and thus it is easier to have a good career and to get ahead.
However, there are also negative aspects of city life.
For a start city life is very hasty, noisy and expensive. The traffic noise is a big problem.
Next in a city the air is very bad, because of pollution and exhaust fumes of cars. So the people have to go to a park to enjoy nature but there is no peace and quiet, because there are thousands of people there too. Furthermore it’s not easy to do sport and most people prefer to do sports outside, in nature.

In contrast country life has positive aspects.
First of all there is beautiful nature and therefore good air and less pollution. Besides there is wonderful landcapes and a calm atmosphere and you can enjoy the silence. Thus you have a more healthy life and generally less stress.
At last in the country there are more possibilities to do sport in nature.
Nevertheless there are negative aspects of country life too.
Public transport for example is very badly organized. Trains air less frequent and it takes a lot of time to get anywhere, because of the large distances. So many people drive to work by car and that’s also very expensive.
Another problem, which concerns mostly young people, is that in the country there is no entertainment and fewer possibilities and activities or you have to go a long way and need a car. So life in the country is mostly very boring.

To conclude neither life in the city nor life in the country has only positive aspects.
I, for my part, think that the best way of life is if you have both city and country life. Surely you say:”It’s impossible.” But I can prove that it is possible: You live at edge of a city and a subway station is very close, so you can get to the centre of the city very quickly. But around you there is only nature, peaceful atmosphere and so on. So you live in the country however the city and advantages are very close.

Ca. 480 words


Dammweg 39
6833 Klaus
Mr. Seth Smith
SS Company
39 Delaware Road
Hatfield, CA 08065
(909) 555-5555
12th February 2009

Dear Mr. Seth Smith,

Application for the architect position

I’m writing to apply for the architect position advertised in the New York Times. I’m particularly interested in this job, because I have studied architecture at Vienna University for three years and subsequently interior decoration for tow years. So I feel well prepared for the advertised position. Furthermore I have practical experience teaching architecture at Zürich University where I worked as an assistant teacher for four terms. However, I want to be an architect and not a teacher. Therefore I’m looking for a challenging architecture job.
The following points illustrate that I have the substantial skills and experience for success in this position:

• From 2006 to 2008 I was the manager of an architecture club.
• Before that I worked for a little architecture office.
• Since December I have had my own apartment, whose interior I have designed myself. And an architect critic has praised me.

I’m especially interested in this vacancy and I’m convinced that I have the education and skills it requires.

I can be reached anytime via my mobile phone, 222-222-2222.
I look forward to discussing my application with you personally.

Angela Duelli

Ca. 215 words

My own style

I want to tell something about me and my own style. My own style means my clothes, my shoes, my outlook on life, my hairstyle and my favourite music.
I like clothes, which are close-fitting, so that you can see my female figure. I love trendy and fashionable clothes, in which I feel sexy. I dislike shabby, scruffy, old-fashioned or baggy clothes.
In winter I wear a tight coat, jeans and turtleneck, pullover with a T-shirt under it because I hate undershirts. But I’m crazy about underwear, I mean bra and slips. I love nightdresses too but mostly I wear pyjamas. At night and the whole winter I wear a scarf otherwise I get a sore throat.
In summer I like to put on tank tops with a simple pattern and shorts or jeans. Sometimes if I dress up for special occasions I wear a dress or a top to go with a skirt and I usually wear a belt, but I never wear tights, because I hate them. I like belts with buckles I think that they are the best and most the suitable accessories. By the way I like all that glitters and shines so silver rings, bracelets, jewels … My motto is: “It’s shiny, it’s useless, I want it!”
Now I want to tell a little bit of my shoes. I hate most of them, not my shoes but shoes in general. I only like sneakers and high heels. Most adults think I cannot walk with high heels but that’s not true, I can even dance with them but not for very long =). The real problem is that in high heels I’m higher than most boys and I don’t like that.
My hair is long and brown with lots of fine blonde dyed streaks. As a child I had straight, long hair but then I wanted short hair. Since that time I have had wavy hair. I really like variations in my hairstyle and my appearance.
My favourite music is predominates disco music like techno, hip-hop, the charts, pop-music and also salsa regatone respectively salsa. I often listen to music, which suits my mood and my emotions like “Kuschel Rock” or love songs and so on.
I don’t care about what the other people think about me. Either they love me the way I am or they don’t!

Ca. 390 words

Thursday 27 November 2008

Group 6

Fashion isn’t Individuality = All are the same!

PRO: You don’t have to think à Just buy what the others wear
You don’t have to be terrified of discrimination, because others wear the same!
You don’t need so many time in the morning!
You just have more self confidence, because when you wear, what the others wear than you’re normally not an outsider!

CON: People buy exactly what the trend is looking for! à Loose your individuality!
It’s a general flavour and not your own style!
There are also many hanger-on’s!
With the same clothes you can still be an outsider (e.g. school uniforms à can see poor and rich)!
You can’t express yourself (your opinion)!
Lower quality (clothes)!

ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS: You can express your individuality also in other ways, for example, by the hair style…!
It`s not sure that you loose your individuality only because you buy your clothes by “H&M”… (Character is also a part of your individuality)!
Not everyone buys his clothes by “H&M”… à some people like, for example, label clothes…
You can wear what you want; you just have to feel comfortable!
You can get attention by clothes / your style!

Angela, Anja and Sarah.M

Thursday 15 May 2008

Book: Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Describe Charlie!
Charlie is the central figure in this book. At the beginning he is fifteen year old and he was born on december 24. He is in his first year of college and was really afraid of going there. At first he is an outsider, not popular and sitting always in the background. It seems that he is like Peter Pan, who refuses to grow up. He is quiet most of the time, very honest and polite. He also is pretty emotional and sentimental. He always cries a lot but mostly it’s a panicky type of crying. Sometimes he is a roller-coaster with his feelings and a little bit like a freak. But he never lets somebody down and really listens to everyone. He is very anxious to always say the truth. So he thinks a lot about other people or things, just a little dreamer. However, it’s a pity that he thinks he doesn’t deserve something or someone. In addition to that he never feels that he looks “good” until he gets his friend Patrick’s gift, which is a coat. When he makes new friends, he isn’t shy anymore and he tries to act like a grown-up. He also likes to drink and smoke. He begins to solve his problems with taking drugs. His psychiatrist tells him that he is what they call “passive aggressive”. He also asks him questions about when he was younger.
I think he is so “unbalanced” because he repressed the fact that his aunt Helen abused him. Through a dream he realized what had happened to him and after that the psychiatrist’s questions weren’t weird to him anymore.

Book review
The book "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" of Stephen Chbosky was published by Mtv Books/Pocket Books, a Division of Simon and Schuster Inc in 1999. Stephen Chbosky was born in 1970 and to this date “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” is his only novel. It’s a fiction about a teenager and his struggles of growing up, friendships and love. The main person in this book is Charlie, who is a fifteen going on to sixteen-year old boy. The book is a series of letters and a self-description of his life. He likes to read books and he loves music, which makes him feel “infinite”. He is pretty emotional and frequently sentimental. He always cries a lot but mostly it’s a panicky type of crying. At school he is an outsider at first, nevertheless he makes new friends. Whereas the draw back is that he starts to take drugs. Still in addition to it he crossed in love. I believe he is so “unbalanced” because his aunt abused him. I also think the idea of the author is to show that’s not easy to grow-up and to become an adult. Besides, he also points out that abuse of children has far-reaching consequences.
In my opinion this is a really fascinating book. It’s written very excitingly and I can also recommend it. I really can relate to it mostly because it’s written up-to-date. Moreover it’s about teenagers of the same age, who struggle with the same problems like smoking or drinking. I also think it would be a good idea for parents to read this book, so they can get more understanding for their children’s situation.

Monday 5 May 2008

essay the right correction

Nowadays people are alarmed about all the violence in the world and the media. Many experts are wondering why it is increasing and they are searching for ways to stop this. In my essay I will address these issues.
I personally believe there are various reasons for the violence in this world. To start with, there art some reasons that are frequently mentioned, namely violence is something that we learn. We see and imitate it if we want to. In addition is also the result of stupidity and frustration. When we are frustrated, we become aggressive and sometimes we have stupid ideas. Finally, negative emotions like hatred are often cause by violence.
I totally agree with Medved when he exposes the four big lies of the media and of Hollywood. Like Medved I doubt that violent movies are just harmless entertainment and that they only mirror reality. I also doubt that they don’t influence the public. This argument is illogical because a film studio said that a film saved lots of lives. This film influences people and a violent movie just as much. Likewise it’s right that you don’t have to watch it if you don’t like it, however, it’s impossible to escape such a film. Finally, I’m sure that family entertainment is also very successful so that is no reason to produce more violent films.
I hope and believe in near future violence can only be reduced among children. First, their upbringing is very important because it will influence their attitude to violence. Beside there are diverse films, which are good for the child’s education. Second, the family life helps children to reject violence. To conclude, the best idea to reduce violence among children is to keep them busy with other interesting things. So if your child is aggressive, tell him or her to go to a sports club or to take part in more sporting activities.

essay correction

Nowadays people are alarmed about all the violence in the world and the media. Many experts are searching for ways to stop the increase. In my essay I will address these issues.
I personally believe there are various reasons for the violence in this world. To start with, there art some reasons that are frequently mentioned, namely violence is something that we learn. We see and imitate it if we want to. In addition is also the result of stupidity and frustration. When we are frustrated, we become aggressive and have stupid ideas. Finally, negative emotions like hatred are often cause by violence.
I totally agree with Medved when he exposes the four big lies of the media. Like Medved I doubt that violent movies are just harmless entertainment and that they don’t influence the public. This argument is illogical because a film studio said that a film saved lots of lives. This film influences people and a violent movie just as much. Likewise it’s right that you don’t have to watch it if you don’t like it, however, it’s impossible to escape such films. Finally, I’m sure that family entertainment is also very successful, so that is no reason to produce more violent films.
I believe in near future violence can only be reduced among children. First, their upbringing is important because it will influence their attitude to violence. Beside there are diverse films, which are good for the child’s education. Second, the family life helps children to reject violence. To conclude, the best idea to reduce violence among children is to keep them busy with other interesting things. So if your child is aggressive, go out with him to a sports club.